Total Australian Credit


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Total Australian Credit outstanding includes all debt and equity outstanding of the domestic non-financial sectors.

Total Australian Credit has grown from AU$787.7 billion in December 1989 to AU$6.3 trillion in December 2016; an increase of a little over 800% over a 27 year period.

0,000 Thousands
0,000,000 Millions
0,000,000,000 Billions
0,000,000,000,000 Trillions


Even more signals for lower interest rates


The spread on 3 year Commonwealth Government Securities (CGS) and 2 year CGS has widened to 5 basis points; 1.82 per cent and 1.87 percent respectively as at 20th April 2015. This indicates that fund managers prefer 3 year bonds to 2 year bonds as they foresee the cash rate being lower for longer on the back of Australian economic conditions continuing to deteriorate.

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