Total Australian Credit


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Total Australian Credit outstanding includes all debt and equity outstanding of the domestic non-financial sectors.

Total Australian Credit has grown from AU$787.7 billion in December 1989 to AU$6.3 trillion in December 2016; an increase of a little over 800% over a 27 year period.

0,000 Thousands
0,000,000 Millions
0,000,000,000 Billions
0,000,000,000,000 Trillions


Cut or not to cut…


As we get closer to the release of the RBA’s interest rate decision release today at 2.30pm AEDT, one of the key factors they will need to take into account is the Bank Accepted Bills (BAB) data which estimates end of day bank bill rates. See Chart 2.1 below:

Chart 2.1


Without an interest rate cut and an increase in the supply of liquidity, the cost of funding between the banks in the short-term will undoubtedly rise.

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